Configuration Code, Config, and Models
Posted In:
- workkflow
By colleen
How do we get this to model Collobaration & Change Management?
bottom up
- scripts & recipes (handgrown automations)
- runbooks (worlflow),policy
- Frameworks (chef or puppet, cfengine)
- build dependency (maven)
top down
- modeled viewpoints (eg. ms oslo, uml, enterprise arch)
- modular containers (e.g. osgi, spring, azure roles)
- configuration models (sml, cim, ecml, edml)
problem "all modeling is pogramming and all programming is debugging" - Neil Gunther
Need visiability into what the model impleis
current solutons done seem satisfactory
- code gereneration?
- plan generation?
- runtime adjustments?
Accountin barries to agie/lean operations
- cost atttribution
cap vs. opex
(it is configuration/debugging)
- should look at entire value stream from dev --> prod
trend --> costing based on time calculations for repeatable activtivites: time-driven activity based costing
charctize integrated approach to integre cloud app design ops
model -driven
make docs onfot to logia framework
goal and policy driven
elastic modeling languages
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